
ThisvideocoverssomebestfreedesktopclockwidgetsforWindows11/10.BackinWindows7,weusedtohaveaWindowsSidebar(orWindows ...,評分3.6(7)·免費·WindowsTotallyfreemeaningyoucanuseitanywherewithoutpaying.Use12houror24hourtimedisplays.Thedigitsizesareautoadjustedtomaximallyfitthescreen.,DesktopClockisasimple,resizable,customizable,clockapp.Checkouttheupdatedversionat,評分2.1(736)·...


This video covers some best free desktop clock widgets for Windows 11/10. Back in Windows 7, we used to have a Windows Sidebar (or Windows ...

Big Free Clock for Windows

評分 3.6 (7) · 免費 · Windows Totally free meaning you can use it anywhere without paying. Use 12 hour or 24 hour time displays.The digit sizes are auto adjusted to maximally fit the screen.

Desktop Clock

Desktop Clock is a simple, resizable, customizable, clock app. Check out the updated version at

Desktop digital clock

評分 2.1 (736) · 免費 · Windows The desktop digital clock is a desktop clock tool with beautiful interface, practical functions and easy operation.

Desktop digital clock - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

評分 3.2 (25) · 免費 · Windows 登入您的Microsoft 帳戶以取得此應用程式,並在最多10 部Windows 裝置上安裝。 此App 可以. 使用所有系統資源. 存取您的網際網路連線. 使用您的音樂媒體櫃. 權限資訊. 支援 ...

Digital Clock 4 download

評分 4.3 (42) · 免費 · 公用程式/工具 Intended for use as a large clock display on netbooks sized screens. The Big Green Clock is avalable for the Windows and Linux operating systems.

Download Clock For Windows - Best Software & Apps

Spice up your desktop computer with Desktop digital clock, a program that lets you customize and set a digital clock as your wallpaper.

Download Free Desktop Clock - free

評分 7/10 (242) · 免費 · Windows Download Free Desktop Clock for Windows now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 1784 downloads this month. Download Free Desktop Clock.


Fliqlo® for Mac/Windows is a clock screensaver that allows you to make your desktop/laptop device screen look like a flip clock. It displays the time with flip ...

Need a large desktop clock for Windows 10 : rWindows10

Rainmaker ended up being the right answer. It's a little tricky to get set up, but the customization options are awesome, and it does what I ...